J. Michael Littwin computer/web design/photography | MSIE 5.5 | 1028 x 768 | Framed | JavaScript | Style Sheets| Millions of Colors |
Links from The-Protagonist.net
A - B - C - D - E
Open in a new window?
Edit Pad (292 kb)- better than notepad and an excellent tool for HTML coding Browser Sizer (587 kb)- view your pages in all kinds of resolution Picture Dicer (449 kb)- Cuts up images for mouseovers, pseudo-imagemaps Thumbnail Generator (315 kb)- Creates thumbnails for your images Fonts - Fonts I use for my site IP Log (4 kb) - A tag board for your blogs Journaling Script (29 kb) - Journaling Script Version 1.6.5 Scan Font (2.8 MB) - Trial version for making at least 6 fonts
Software site downloads
Image Gallery Script Image Optimizer Coffee Cup for image maps HTML Tidy Clean up your web pages Perl Diver 1.1 determine your perl version and sendmail Driverguide.com finding driver updates is a whole lot easier. Xtreme Script a full featured script for mIRC, Browser Master test your site in different browsers and resolutions, and with low colour Axialis Screen Saver Producer
Downloads for your Desktop
Deviant Art Digital Blasphemy Blue Leaf Designs Selphie.org Ally's Wonderland
Useful Links for Webdesign
fonts Fonts and Things Women's font collective Pixi.nu fonts Font Paradise Funny Fonts Bit Map Fonts Japanese Fonts More Japanese Fonts
Software (Webdesign) Tutorials Frames Tutorial PhotoShop Viewlets Grid Tutorials Adobe Photoshop tutorial Another Photoshop tutorial Designs by Mark How to CHMOD DHTML scroller Dodo's Tutorials
Free HTML Layouts
selphie.org chokito designs blue water are you there? get homepaged layout land
Online Generators
Mouseover Code Generator scrollbar css generator Cascading Style Sheets icon editor text color fader Frames decoder Table Maker Application Color Mix Color Generator .htpasswd Encryption tool
Anime Gallery
Anime Cubed Cherry Coma Anime web turnpike Eternity network Sakurazukamori ultimate animanga
Web designs
Best Designs Dot Com Design is Kinky Fancy Pants Tainted Web
Other webdesign links
Adobe Photoshop Actions Java Script HTML Validation Service Dynamic Drive HTML Goodies 404 Research Lab
Host/Domain Help
Stealth Forwarding List of Accredited and Accreditation-Qualified Registrars WebHosting Forums Host Help - What you need to know
Tools I use
HTML edited in notepad or Edit Pad journaling script for my online journal greymatter for the team blog ikonboard for the bulletin boards Megabook guestbook script from Adobe Photoshop 6 and Image Ready 3 Image Gallery Script Adobe Photoshop Actions Cute FTP Uploaded files using Coffee Cup for image maps